Regulatory Compliance Structure

Since its foundation, FORTUNA CAMBIOS S.A has adhered to policies and procedures to prevent the misuse of the company for criminal purposes. This includes working with regulators to comply with current laws.

The Compliance Department implements these guidelines to adhere to current legislation and avoid risks that could affect the company's reputation. It is essential that all employees cooperate and apply the prevention system.

Our company has a Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Prevention Manual, Procedure and Function Manuals, and a Code of Ethics and Conduct. These documents help to comply with regulations.

Compliance Program Elements:

Our compliance program is designed to ensure adherence to applicable regulations. It includes the following components:

  • Policies and processes for customer identification.
  • Monitoring of unusual transactions.
  • Reporting to regulatory authorities.
  • Staff training in prevention and detection.

Corporate Governance

To comply with the regulations of the Central Bank of Paraguay and the Superintendency of Banks, our company has adapted its organizational structure and internal regulations. This process includes:

  1. Adaptation to Requirements: Changes have been implemented to ensure compliance with the Corporate Governance standards set by the regulatory entities.
  2. Control Mechanisms: Robust internal control systems have been established to ensure continuous compliance with the standards.
  3. Corporate Governance Manual: This manual defines the Corporate Governance structure, which aligns with our business strategy and considers the nature, complexity, and volume of our operations. It also establishes mechanisms for risk management, evaluation, and monitoring, ensuring compliance with regulations.
  4. Corporate Governance Report: Annually, we prepare a report detailing the status of Corporate Governance in our company. This report is published on our website before June 30 each year.

In summary, we are committed to implementing robust Corporate Governance practices to ensure transparency, accountability, and proper risk management across all our operations.